September 2010 marks the end of my first year on the satellites and I have had a great time meeting new hams and working the birds. I have a modest station consisting of two omni-directional egg beater type antennas mounted on the eave of my roof, mast mounted pre-amps and an IC-910H. During the year I have been able to make 2,036 contacts distributed as shown below:
AO-51 709 ( 34.8% ) AO-27 237 ( 11.6% ) HO-68 273 ( 13.4% ) SO-50 203 ( 10.0% ) SO-67 8 ( 0.4% ) FO-29 248 ( 12.2% ) VO-52 222 ( 10.9% ) AO-7 133 ( 6.5% ) ISS 3 ( 0.1% )
I have managed to work 49 states with 48 confirmed (missing HI & WV), and I have about 250 confirmed grids.
I want to thank all of the hams that helped me along the way. Their great suggestions and patience is very much appreciated. I’d like to extended special thanks to Allen – N5AFV for my first contact on satellite as KE5EQZ, and John – K8YSE, Jim – ND9M, Pat – WD9EWK, Kerry -WC7V and Larry – KI6YAA for the numerous contacts and the many new grids that I acquired during their Grid Expeditions.
Ron Oldham - N8RO