Dear all,
This is an update about our HADES-D satellite.
The satellite was launched into space on the SpaceX TR-9 mission dated November 11, remaining in orbit inside the orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) ION-SCV-013 from D-ORBIT until the 18th when said 'mother satellite' ejected it, at 7:53 UTC.
The first receptions recorded in SatNogs began to appear at 8:45 UTC ( https://network.satnogs.org/observations/8608500/) indicating that the antenna deployment worked as expected on the first or second attempt, confirming by the level signal, very strong, and by the telemetry itself, which indicates 'Antenna deployed'. However, the computer will continue to execute the deployment routine periodically as scheduled, until ordered from the Ground Station to stop doing so.
The state of health of the satellite seems to be very good, as witnessed by the multitude of telemetry, CW and FM voice beacon receptions carried out from all points on Earth. The battery is at maximum charge after one day deployed.
Strong reception on SatNogs from Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt (FHWN) / University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustad (Austria): https://network.satnogs.org/observations/8607467/
EB1AO receptions from Vigo (Spaiin): https://twitter.com/eb1ao/status/1729584945457201201
Receptions from SP5LOT (Poland): https://twitter.com/Tomek_SP5LOT/status/1729580492016545996
Once the proper functioning of all the subsystems has been thoroughly reviewed, the next steps will consist of sending remote commands to verify that the on-board computer is capable of processing the instructions indicated from the Ground Station.
The satellite emits telemetry in FSK, configurable between 50 and 2400 bps, CW and voice beacon in FM. It also has an FSK data and FM voice repeater. The operating frequencies are uplink 145.875 MHz (FM/FSK) and downlink 436.666 MHz (FM/FSK/CW). The repeater will be activated once the checks are completed.
Demodulation and decoding software is available in the AMSAT-EA Projects tab: https://www.amsat-ea.org/proyectos/