APRS satellites maintained on
* PSAT2 - Digi and Voice and HF/UHF PSK31 / SSTV /Voice operational
* USNAP1 - Bricsat - Voltage Telemetry only - Digi inop
* PSAT - digi and HF/UHF PSK31 operational
* PCSAT (W3ADO-1) - Marginally operational when in good sun
* ARISS - on ISS - inop
* AISAT-1 - Unknown
* LAPAN-Orari - Operational near equator YBOX-1
435.103/145.84 9600 baud
* Falconsat - PFS3 Operational 9600 baud
Challenges: With three known operational birds on 145.825 the
chances of trying to make a double hop packet success is improved.
VIA ariss,ariss
Ten meter linear (SSB) uplink on 29.481 for PSK31, SSTV and Voice
Similarly PSK31 and SSTV HF uplink on PSAT on 28.120 MHz uplink
downlink FM 435.350 is also under utilized.