Agreed... occasionally, sometimes left, right, vertical or horiz will be best. Then is that for the up or downlink ? Essentially I have discovered it is a crap shoot. Whatever works at any given moment may not work (that well) a few minutes later. I believe Domenico had a scheme for switching any of the four. These uncertainty's make it fun.
still rebuilding all antennas
73 Bob W7LRD
----- Original Message -----
From: " Ib Christoffersen " <oz1my@ privat . dk > To: "David 4X1DG" <4x1dg@ iarc .org>, amsat -bb@ amsat .org Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2012 10:44:55 AM Subject: [ amsat -bb] Re: Circular polarization
Hi David, The short answer is NO.
But there are more to it than that :-)
I think I still have an article about that if you are interested.
73 OZ1MY/ Ib
----- Oprindelig meddelelse ----- Fra : amsat -bb-bounces@ amsat .org [ mailto : amsat -bb-bounces@ amsat .org] På vegne af David 4X1DG Sendt : 13 May 2012 18:31 Til: amsat -bb@ amsat .org Emne : [ amsat -bb] Circular polarization
Is a UHF circular polarization antenna needed for the current operational satellites? I am planning some work on my antenna system and wonder if the CP is needed, or actually, deteriorate the signal by 3dB if the satellites are using linear antennae??
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_______________________________________________ Sent via AMSAT-BB@ amsat .org. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http :// amsat .org/mailman/ listinfo / amsat -bb