Oh, one other idea... if you're using -s in the run string, you need to add Predict's network port in the /etc/services file:
predict 1210/udp # Predict 2/3/2007 GDD
Greg KO6TH
From: ko6th_greg@hotmail.com To: w8iss@wideopenwest.com; amsat-bb@amsat.org Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 15:24:03 -0700 Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Anyone running a PREDICT server I can test access with?
Hi James,
Wow, never seen this. Sounds like you have a files permissions issue somewhere. What version, and how was it compiled? Where do you run it from?
I'm running a modified version of Predict 2.2.1 on my system (but it's behind a firewall, so you won't be able to connect to it). I cd to the directory where the program is (where it was compiled), and run it from there. The TLE and QTH files are in ~/.predict, which, of course, I have r/w access to (mode 755). The files themselves are 644. If I recall, everything was done from my own account, not root.
Greg KO6TH
From: w8iss@wideopenwest.com To: AMSAT-BB@amsat.org Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 16:59:20 -0400 Subject: [amsat-bb] Anyone running a PREDICT server I can test access with?
I can't get PREDICT to run on my linux systems for some reason and would like to access a online PREDICT server for my PREDICT-GSAT program until I can fiqure out why PREDICT won't run on any of my systems.
FYI, I have PREDICT loaded but it keeps going to the edit location screen each time I start. I enter my information each time and it shuts down each time.
James W8ISS
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