At the request of the ALMASAT team AO-51 will switch to V/S 38k4 digital operation from about 0100Z on 15Mar2007 to 0200Z 16Mar2007. The frequencies will be as follows:
Downlink 2401.200 MHz, FM digital, 38k4 bps Uplink 145.86 MHz, FM digital, 9600 bps
ALMASAT is an Italian university microsat mission with both U and S band downlinks. As the only operative 38k4 S-band satellite we will support the testing of the ground stations of soon to be launched amateur satellites whenever possible. It is my personal hope that continued cooperation will result in more amateur payloads being made available to the AMSAT community.
I apologize for the late notice on this mode change. Over the next two weeks we will be testing the automatic scheduler software, and myself or someone else from the team will make announcements regarding modes and times.
73, Drew KO4MA AMSAT-NA VP Operations