If I had the info, I'd help you on email and telephone till your problem was fixed. Might you might be asking much? The modern rigs are very complex, and often require one to purchase a service manual, IF one is available. This isn't the low complexity rig like an Ameco TX-62, or even a 70's vintage Yaesu. I work in the field of medical electronics, and I don't think I have YET seen the level of complexity one finds in the modern (>1980's) satellite radios. Of course, the satellite designers on the list likely will have :-). Given the cost of equipment to really work with the modern radios, the cost to obtain technical documentation, and the time needed to learn each radio, I don't think it is unreasonable that one to decide to just think of the radio as a system component, send the radio for service and work on all of the other bits you need for satellite operation.
But, I don't get on the satellites much, so what do I know?
David Goncalves
On 5/27/07, w3vvp [email protected] wrote:
What has happened to amateur radio? A week ago I put out a request for help for my 736R which I use for satellite work. As of this date I have received zilch,0,nothing in reply. Are there no more ham repair people out there or is everybody an appliance operator???? George W3VVP
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