It sure sounds like your keps are out of date. A couple thoughts:
nasabare.txt is updated more frequently than nasa.all--several times a week vs ~weekly. The ISS especially needs frequent updates since it can maneuver.
Another thought: How recently did you update your elements? SatPC32 does not update them automatically (unless I've missed something--I use MacDoppler more frequently).
Burns WB1FJ
On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 9:47 AM crohtun via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
My SatPC32 Doppler control is way off and I can’t figure out why. Seems to affect only the ISS. As it approaches, the incoming signal is almost 10kHz high — about where it would be with no Doppler adjustment at all. My Doppler.sqf line reads ISS,437800,145990,FM,FM,NOR,0,0,Cross band repeater and keps are current from nasa.all. I also notice that SatPC32 is off on predicting LOS. I was still copying signals 59 well after LOS had supposedly occurred.????????
Ray KN2K
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