Hi Rick!
I didn't look for the Comet equivalent diplexer when I had HRO ship me the MX-37. Looking at the two, it seems like it's a matter of tradeoffs in picking one over the other (except for price - the Comet diplexer is $10 more at HRO - and not clearly in stock at any of those stores). You get lower insertion loss with the Comet, but better isolation between the band ports with the Diamond.
Alinco's EDS-14 had been more widely available for a while, but now it looks like it has been replaced by the EDS-10. The manager at the Phoenix HRO store was the one that told me about the Yaesu CT-91 speaker/mic adapter working with the DJ-G7T, which I confirmed for myself. Alinco's web site still shows both the EDS-10 and EDS-14 as "plug conversion cables" to take the speaker/mic jack and split out separate jacks for the speaker and microphone, where the latest PDF version of the owner's manual allocates an entire page to the EDS-14 and doesn't mention the EDS-10.
Do you have a 1.2 GHz antenna of some sort? There are WA5VJB designs for that band, a Comet antenna sold at HRO and other stores, and a couple of Yagis available on eBay (among other options). There's at least 3 of us who work AO-92 L/V from the DM43 side of metro Phoenix (you can also hear K7TAB and N7NEV on AO-92 L/V). Other than two weeks ago when K7YDL was on from DM33, there hasn't been regular L/V activity from your side of the city. Join us!
Hope to hear you soon on AO-92 L/V. 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 1:06 AM Rick Tejera [email protected] wrote:
Patrick, I found a Comet CF-416 Diplexer at the superstition hamfest back in December for $25.00 pretty much just as the one you have (Common--> N connector the 1.2 pigtail the same and the 144/430 a PL259. Stopping on the way home tomorrow to get the EDS-10, I don't see the EDS-14 you spoke of offered anymore.
I see HRO ahs the CF-416W, which is essentially the same: https://www.hamradio.com/detail.cfm?pid=H0-007421 ,
Rick Tejera (K7TEJ)