I met Bob at the Amsat stall in Dayton five years ago. For a while I stood in awe unable to believe it was him. He turned out to be a such a simple, enthusiastic soul. He was one of those people with who even a two minute interaction leaves you enriched. As I think back, in about 3 meetings with him, he taught me so much about building sats, writing APRS code and even negotiating my way through bureaucracies! The last time I met him was at Amsat symposium in the small exhibit hall. He had a demo of an attitude control system simulator. It was brilliantly simple like all his engineering. The spacecraft hung from a string. The string was suspended from a stepper motor synced to the spacecraft's readings of the magnetic field communicated by a zigbee module. There was somthing that kept his work minimal and yet amazingly engineered. He was a natural mentor who cut through all equations and jargon to show you how to build things quickly and simply. His work in pcsats, hfsat, was simply marvelous. Those few pages on aprs.info were all we needed to build the AISAT. His work is not finished yet. A transponder he had built for APRS is with me that will fly as soon as isro resumes regular launches. He will be sorely missed by so many of us, his work will continue to orbit our planet and our lives. Bye bob, all our love to you. - f
On Thu, Feb 10, 2022, 3:54 AM PY5LF [email protected] wrote:
So sad to hear about our friend Bob.😢😢😢 The APRS community will miss him a lot.
https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail Livre de vÃrus. www.avast.com https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=webmail. <#m_6188514230705404557_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
Em qua., 9 de fev. de 2022 Ã s 07:44, [email protected] escreveu:
It was with sadness that I learned the news of Bob's passing. He was my mentor (as was Colin, VK5HI) and taught me many things about satellites.
There were times when we were in daily contact. Besides APRS, he left us many interesting satellite projects (PCSAT, PSAT, RAFT, MARS, SAPPHIRE, QIKOM...). I remember a great time when Henk, PA3GUO and I actively supported the ANDE mission. I thank Bob for his confidence in making me the command station of PCSAT and PSAT.
My sympathies go out to his family. Thank you for your life's work for Amateur Radio, Bob. Rest in peace.
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-- *PY5LF * *Luciano Fabricio* *www.falautomation.com.br http://www.falautomation.com.br*
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