We're lucky today to be able to do 'sanity checks' when we get no results from the birds. This list will reply to such requests, but you might find it is more slow than you'd like. If you'd like to know right away if the bird was transmitting, you should look at http://oscar.dcarr.org, which tabulates near-real-time reports from observers around the world. This is especially handy for the mode of AO-7.
Of course, this web resource depends on reliable reporting from people like you and me.
73, Bruce VE9QRP
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Kent R. Frazier [email protected] wrote:
I listed the pass prediction for ISS, not AO-51. Here is the correct AMSAT Online Satellite Pass Prediction for AO-51 this morning: 29 Feb 08 13:58:51 00:13:47 20 44 110 179 14:12:38
I was trying to listen to both. I wanted to see if I could hear the ISS APRS digipeater. AO-51 was tuned on one band and ISS on the other. Nothing but noise from either. I'll concentrate on AO-51 now until I get a better understanding of what is going on.
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:28 AM, Kent R. Frazier [email protected] wrote:
Re Time Sync: The clock on my computer is currently synced with an internet time server. It only varies by about 3 seconds from the atomic clock on the wall.
I am not using the computer to control the radio. With the exception of this morning, all my monitoring has been from the driveway of my house while stationary. This morning I listened while taking my daughter to school.
The AMSAT Online Satellite Pass Predictions showed a pass of AO-51 for this morning as follows (Times UTC): 29 Feb 08 13:55:12 00:07:29 277 8 318 20 14:02:41
I didn't hear anything on this pass. Could this be because the elevation was only 8? I started listening at 13:50 and ended at 14:10 hearing nothing but noise.
I'll try to listen for for the 20:19 pass which shows a maximum altitude of 75.
Kent, K5KNT
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