27 Jul
27 Jul
5:10 a.m.
In my email of last evening about LO-78 I failed to mention one important thing relating to it. Where to find the best TLEs. The only place LituanicaSat-1, LO-78 showsup is in the Celestrak "Cubesats" listing. It has never shown up in the "Amateur" listing that they publish. WA5QGD's Keps distribution does have it as LO-78 but since he only updates once a week, and since the orbit is decaying rapidly, even two day old TLE's will be off.
This morning on the 1220Z ish pass for me only heard K8YSE and AA5PK.
I will listen on the 0422z pass for me on this 7-27 and see if it is on but I bet it is not.
Tom, N5HYP