On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Trevor .[email protected] wrote:
Ultimately it's all down to politics in Washington DC. Personally I think ISS will still be there in 2025 and even then they'll be looking to extend its mission.
Lost in this conversation is the fact that very soon we (US) will no longer have a way to get to the ISS -- with the retirement of the shuttle fleet... I have no hard data on the structural integrity of a thin steel body that alternates between extreme heat and cold multiples times each day for decades, but it seems highly improbable that the ISS would remain on orbit for so many years and remain a safe place for humans to hang out.
Don't forget that on orbit construction began in 1998 -- meaning the primary structure is older than my car and I drive a seriously tired old clunker! :-)
73 de Jeff, KE9V