Hello Bob is planning a new L/S redesign. Before I pick up my hack saw I would like some opinions/advice etc. The dish-a 54X48 inch prime star. The feed -a short helix for L & S side by side in line with the fan pattern. I beleieve W0LMD tried co-wound helixes with mixed results. On the same boom is a 2M & 70cm yagi. With all this antenna and counter weight is it too much for my G5400 elevation rotor? Plan "B"- use a actuator similar as described in http://www.qsl.net/sv1bsx/actuator/actuator.html . I have some actuators and a lot of hacksaws and I'm not afraid to use them. With only 10watts and some hardline I feel this dish might be necessary for a HEO on L band, and I might as well use it on S. I also have a 12foot TVRO but that's another story (project) for another day. As always your opinions/advice even ridicule is appreciated. 73 Bob W7LRD Seattle