Hi all, Glad to see the success of the launch and the first phase of this project. - Trust that all goes well over the next few weeks with the trail and docking testing and evaluation. Thought that you might like to know that " Amateur Radio" did have a role to play during the marketing and a public exhibition about the project. With my colleagues from the "Barry Amateur Radio Society " together with ESA and the city of Cardiff in South Wales -UK . We put on a special event station a couple of years ago under the title " The World of Tugs" It included a scale model of the "Space Tug" shipped over from ESA and a visit of the key European Astronaut involved in the project. Thought you might like to know, anyone that made contact with our event will have pleasure in knowing the QSL card is now part of history. Ken Eaton GW1FKY Amsat -UK Amsat NA