If you are using an external sound card interface to tx 9600bps to Falconsat with a base transceiver, can you please provide details- ie, homebrew, commercial. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the older Signalink isolation transformers attenuate most or all of the 9600bps data stream. Some ops have reported being able to install a jumper or other connection in their radio’s data port to somehow avoid the Signalink datastream attenuation. Unfortunately I have not determined if such a modification is possible on my TS2kx. And I want to retain all functionality for other dig modes and 1200 aprs. So if I’m left with having to obtain another external sound card interface, fine, but I want to be sure it will definitely do the trick. Of course, if someone has more specifics on such a modification for the TS2K, then by all means please provide details. Mark N8MH mentioned having “bypassed” the transformers in his Signalink before he went to a TNC, which makes me wonder if it could be as simple as installing a microswitch in the Signalink and some bypass circuitry.
Thank you for the bandwidth and help in advance.
73, Craig N6RSX
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