20 Jun
20 Jun
6:38 p.m.
Had the B210 in the driveway with the portable gear this am. Using one receiver, was able to hear myself on FO-29's downlink at 2 degrees elevation, through a bunch of houses and trees. 50 watts from the 857d as the (twoards the very end) uplink.
No filtering other than what's in the preamps.
Remained set up for AO-7. Battery caved in on laptop. End of fun.
Using HDSDR as the client.
Indoor tests revealed no problems using it as the downlink rx, either for VHF or UHF.
Real field tests eliminate suprises.
Will be testing the power supplies/sequencers/filtering/amp modules later this week. Plan on the 8640b as an exciter.
Norm n3ykf