Don't know who 'in the world' (<-- pun!) would have suggested such a crazy thing, but very great news, Bruce!
I sure would have liked to have been the first to submit an LotW app, but I just got #85 confirmed towards the Century award (thanks YV5FRD!) and still have a few more to go. =^)
73 and here's hoping your application inbox gets filled!!! =^D
Kevin N4UFO
AMSAT will now accept LOTW contacts for all of their awards.
We had been trying to figure out a way to do this and it was actually quite simple as suggested by one of our members.
Log into your LOTW account, click on "Your QSOs". Select the station you want to include for your AMSAT award. Click on "Details". Use a screen capture program or Windows Snipping tool and attach that screen shot.
The information displayed contains both callsigns, the DXCC entity, the Grid Square, the time/date and mode for the contact. Everything we need for the contact to be accepted.
This will make it easier for everyone to submit for AMSAT awards as they do not also have to get a hard copy QSL card for their LOTW contacts.