AO-109 is a very weak signal bird due to issues on orbit. Most people without very directional antennas can't hear it a lot of the time. We have only speculation as to what went wrong with it, but I've only had very sparing luck with it and that was using FT-4.
On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 9:12 AM David Spoelstra via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb@amsat.org> wrote:
I wish there was a better up-to-date way to find this info too. But to answer your question, I believe the satellite is not used much because, "issues with the satellite make SSB voice contacts challenging at best". See https://www.amsat.org/ao-109-radfxsat-2-amsat-fox-1e-open-for-amateur-use/
-David, N9KT
On Tue, Apr 11, 2023 at 11:02 AM Barry Pfeil via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb@amsat.org> wrote:
I've been away from operating satellites for a bit, concentrating instead on EME. But with Field day approaching I want to reconfigure my station (and to some extent, my mind) for satellites so i can again earn that 100-point bonus for my local club on FD this year.
Looking at the AMSAT "Satellite Status" page to see what's working these days, I notice AO-109 shown with only a few "not heard" reports in recent days. When I click on the AO-109 link at the left side of the table it takes me to an AMSAT page from 2016 telling me about the expected 2017 launch of this bird.
When I go to "SATNOGS" I find a green checkmark with the advice that the "Satellite is in orbit and operational". When I go to "Gunter's Space Page" I find similarly dated info. On NY2O.com I find that the satellite is "Active". Nowhere do I find a clue as to WHY the actual status is apparently "not heard".
I'm new at this. Is there a place with real-time info other than the AMSAT "Satellite Status" page?
Thanks and 73 Barry K6RM
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