10 Sep
10 Sep
6:54 p.m.
Hi All,
I too was listening for PROITERES, and made a recording today (Sep 10th 11:15UTC) using my FunCube Dongle. Looking at the spectrum display, I could see the distinctive pattern of two satellites transmitting. It turns out that the orbit of SEEDS II (CO-66) was almost in perfect alignment with PROITERES, and was also transmitting its morse code beacon on 437.485MHz. I heard 'JQ1YGU SEEDS G4 3475BFB0 D83 FFE CCA 189 8ED 35F' etc. from SEEDS. See http://cubesat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/english/seeds_2_e.html
It is possible that some people listening for PROITERES today have actually mistakenly heard SEEDS II, as I found it a few dB stronger at times. The two satellites will drift apart over the next 2 days.
73's Simon G7WIQ