24 Apr
24 Apr
2:36 p.m.
Never heard of WSJT?
Amateurs who are serious about weak signal work have been using that for years, for both terrestrial communications, and moonbounce on VHF and above.
And it's also being used quite often now on HF. 10 meters is good example. When propagation doesn't allow for SSB, you'll find signals on 28.076.
Those signals won't appear on a scanner, HT or spectrum analyser; but chances are that someone is using the band(s).
73 de Sebastian, W4AS
On Apr 24, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Art McBride wrote:
Amateur Radio weak Signal work and contesting most likely will remain with the basic modulation systems. High Power density digital modulation signals do not work well when there are weak or multiple signals present.