Dear All
Up to 270 people from 34 country have already fulfill the survey. Some figure are already available ( http://bit.ly/figureSat ). Answer are mainly from france.
It should be very interesting to have the opinion from other country.
Please take less than 10 minutes to fill this survey : http://bit.ly/AmsatSurvey . You opinion is important.
Results should be made available to all other AMSAT sociaty.
Thank you for your Help
Christophe président Amsat-F
Number of submiter per countries : France 122 United States 27 United Kingdom 20 Poland 13 Germany 12 Netherlands 9 Belgium 8 Italy 8 Australia 6 Canada 6 Spain 4 Greece 3 Romania 3 Switzerland 3 Argentina 2 Austria 2 Brazil 2 Finland 2 Portugal 2 Sweden 2 Algérie 1 Bulgaria 1 Chile 1 Colombia 1 Croatia 1 Estonia 1 Japan 1 New Zealand 1 Sénégal 1 Serbia 1 Suisse 1 Taiwan 1 Turkey 1 Venezuela 1