On 4/28/2020 15:23, Leffke, Zachary via AMSAT-BB wrote:
Ha! Great to see its still working! Pretty good when our bare minimum success criteria was one image from orbit from one of the two cameras....
Wish I had more time to think about the roll rates and the earth-detection sensitivity settings (indicated by the 'VT-2' watermark). Of the 9 images collected today, 3 looked pretty nice, 2 look like partial downloads, and 4 were false detects of light glinting off the antenna....wish we had factored more into the design to account for that so that we aren't wasting time downloading 'bad' images.....lesson learned for future work for next time.
I do love those limb of the earth shots....def my favorites!
Yeah, great images! Say, let's talk 640x480 when you get a chance, just a reminder and you can reply to my office email address... hihi My recollection is clear since I don't do anything so I am keen to play with "settings" (intentional no-detail reference) and it be would be nice to combine it with a resolution change capability as well. Carrot on a stick in front of everybody, I'm mean without a doubt! Here's a chance to up your game...
73 Zach,
Jerry Buxton, NØJY