Hello all,
I just returned from a Visit to the Arrow Factory here in Cheyenne where I live. Silly me, so close by and I have never visited them once before. The purpose of the visit was to meet ND9M (Jim) + Lovely wife and Chauffer to have an eyeball QSO and watch him operate on AO-27 from the parking lot as well as take a tour of the plant..
What impressed me most at Arrow was all of the machinery is made and designed by themselves, and trust me it is pretty impressive as well as mostly microprocessor controlled. Anyone can make an antenna, but to design the machinery to make the antenna parts is a skill few possess. They build a quality product and stand behind their product... I did ask why no corner reflectors any more and was informed a lot of hams have trouble putting them together... I guess it does pay to read the instructions.
As the appropriate time for AO-27 approached we all sashayed into the parking lot where in a very short period of time Jim had the equipment set up and soon ND9M was waving his handheld Arrow dual band antenna knowingly in the SSWerly skies... Soon, contest style, he was making contact after contact. He and his wife have been on the road for some time activating grid squares, those of you who keep up on this sort of thing and count grids should give him an ATTA BOY for his efforts.
As the bird disappeared over the horizon it was time to pack up and put things away, I was allowed to wind up the headset cord and a coax... So I can I participated in the event... It was fun thanks Jim for the call and if you get back this way again, plan on some more time here so I can pick your brain a little bit.
DE Jack - KD1PE