Although of course Sputnik was a sphere and as Radioskaf-3 is an exact duplicate I guess that must be the satellite.
73 Trevor M5AKA
--- On Mon, 20/8/12, Trevor . [email protected] wrote:
Date: Monday, 20 August, 2012, 21:40 The Radioskaf site lists Radioskaf-3 to commemorate 55th aniversary of Sputnik. But doesn't reference a satellite called Sphere.
Currently manufactured "Radioskaf-3". This is the working name of the satellite, to be launched in honor of the 55th anniversary of the launching of the first artificial Earth satellite. This is an exact replica of the satellite, but modern components, plus on-board scientific instruments will YUZGU students. "Radioskaf-4" - follow-on satellite programs. The development of the satellite units are students from various universities in Russia, Peru and Jordan. Starting in 2013 with the ISS. It is possible that the shell satellite (support structure) will again who served the Russian space suit, but does not exclude the possibility of placing the equipment in the hexagonal case. "Radioskaf-5" - a project of the future satellite (the one in the photo below).
73 Trevor M5AKA
--- On Mon, 20/8/12, Trevor . [email protected] wrote:
Date: Monday, 20 August, 2012, 21:23 says it's 'Sphere" (0.5m dia, 13 kg mass),
73 Trevor M5AKA