I hope everyone had a good time for field day. Now the real fun begins. Submitting your score towards AMSAT Field Day. I worked 6 different satellites. A couple had only 2-3 of us on as other satellites were also passing over at the time.
Here are some reminders. As the ARRL relaxed the rules allowing 1D stations to work everyone including other 1D stations and submit their score towards their club's score as well as their personal score, the scoring is going to be interesting.
If you worked from home and you include the name of a club on your submission, the club will need to aggregate all the contacts and make sure there are no duplicate contacts. For example, home station K1XXX worked K2AAA on RS-44, EO-88 and CAS-4B. Home station K3AAA also worked the same 3 stations on the same 3 satellites. The club would not be able to claim the same stations twice. However, each of the home stations can submit the same 3 contacts as their own personal score unless they worked the same stations again on the same satellite with the same mode.
Remember, only 1 contact per FM satellite is allowed. If your club had contacts from 10 members that submitted towards the club's score and they all worked the available FM satellites, you can only score one contact per satellite. Each of the home stations can submit one contact per FM satellite towards their personal score.
All club's submitting a score this year need to submit their log. I would rather ask for this now than have to get them later. It will make it easier for me. I would prefer digital format, Excel spread sheet, ADIF, Word document, but not a PDF as they are not as easily searchable.
Finally, all submissions need to be in to me no later than 11:59 PM Central Time on Friday, July 17, 2020. Send to either [email protected] or [email protected] or both. I will reply that I have received your submission. Include stories and pictures to make the journal article more interesting.