On Jun 12, 2007, at 2:46 PM, Dr. Jay Garlitz wrote:
I think the group might be interested in some video I posted online at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGZmhrPNzJg
Proof-positive that the "general public" is still interested in seeing NASA succeed, even if all you can find on traditional media outlets on launch day is coverage of Paris Hilton doing jail time.
Listen to the cheers. People are still proud of our astronauts and our space program. Shame on the news media that Shuttle launches that involved thousands of American's in the preparation, launch, and successful missions, takes a back seat to stuff only the tabloids should print.
From the first "Godspeed, John Glenn", to the cheers of a cruise ship just off the coast of Florida, decades later... we still want to see our heroes fly.
Good show, Dr. Jay. Thanks for posting it.
We're still running NASA Shuttle audio here on our three-repeater linked VHF system throughout missions during crew wake times... and we will as long as it's allowed.
Thanks to Chris, N6ICW -- we have an easy way to hear it, worldwide. IRLP Reflector channel 9877.
(Disclaimer: I'm the admin for that machine, and sometimes people give me "credit" and thank-you's for "hosting" Chris's feed, but Chris does all the "heavy lifting" of getting good quality audio, with breaks approximately every 3 minutes if transmissions are continuous), and a proper audio delay board in the path so the beginning of words aren't clipped off by the VOX circuit. A bunch of folks that set up and operate REF9877 just happily provide a "listen- only" channel so keyups on local repeaters don't interrupt the audio feed, and the bandwidth to make it all happen.)
-- Nate Duehr, WY0X