28 Apr
28 Apr
3:12 a.m.
A busy work day on board gave me the chance to put only one grid (CK27) on the air today, but one grid is better than none. Another time change occurs for us tonight; we'll be at GMT-9 for a couple days, and that gets in the way of making the AO-91 pass at 28/1952Z. In the very off chance that I can make that one, we should be in CK08 at the time. Later on, I'll try to make passes on CAS-4A/B, AO-7/CW, XW-2F, and RS-44/CW in the 29/0130-0333Z time frame; we should be in BK98 then. A little later, we'll cross into BK88 hopefully in time for the 29/0506Z pass. 73/Jim, ND9M