30 Jun
30 Jun
3:05 p.m.
Hi all,
I have a pair of Mirage mast mount preamps, (1) KP-2/2M for 144mhz and a KP-2/440 for 70cm both that have blown GasFets. My old house for some reason ate a lot of those FET's and i used to replace them once in a while when it blew. But, I have moved, had the preamps in a box for last several years and no longer have any idea what device each of them took. They were bought in the late 90's. Mirage is trying to find someone to help me but haven't been able to yet so I thought I'd try here and see if anyone had a schematic, or knew what FET's might be in each of those preamps! Thanks for any help. -James KI0KN