Wow, a narrow self centric view of the world:
a huge trend to build more and more of these shoe boxes.. ... most of them are almost useless... What kind of science is it,... The wheels are re-invented again and again... For us AMSAT'ers.. this is something we did almost 30 years ago!!!! This is history and nothing like science anymore...
Please do not speak for me. Obviously the writer above has no clue what education is all about.
Guess what! Every single year, the teacher has to start EXACTLY back at square ZERO.
That is what EDUCATION is all about. Teaching each new year of students the same thing over and over and over. Its not fun... but it is challenging...
Now I do not defend all repeats of stupid ideas and other mistakes, but education is a repeating process every year by definition.
Now, if you want a different satellite built , THEN BUILD IT. It does no credit to lambast at least those that are DOING SOMETHING... even if it is not what you want, then either build what you want, and launch it, or get out of the way....
I have not been following this thread at all. So if my comments are inappropriate, I apologize. But some people have no clue what it takes to educate a completely new class starting over every year.