In addition to all the great advice so far, I think the answer (or problem) could be in the technicality of using the Arrow. It has been mentioned in one of the AMSAT publications and few others, but consider this, if the arrow is in phase with the downlink, the arrow's uplink is practically out of phase, and you wouldn't be able to make it in. I struggled with this, until I started keeping the arrow just out of the null of the downlink, then everything was magical ! Just another fun fact...
(LOS is my friend on very busy passes)
On Thursday, July 4, 2019, 9:28:16 AM PDT, AI9IN via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Trying to get on the FM sats (e.g. AO-92 a couple of minutes ago) reminds me of the videos of people at BestBuy the day after Thanksgiving. Don't be surprised if you see an Arrow and a couple of handhelds going cheap on Ebay soon.
Steve AI9IN