Greg D. wrote:
Does anyone know if either of the sats being used by K5D have a mutual window with CM98kx (that would be me)? I just realized that none of my software knows how to compute this, and all of the passes I've looked at don't appear to cover us both. If there is a pass, it seems like it would be vanishingly low on the south eastern horizon.
I ran CM98 and FK68 through some software that Mark K6HX wrote a while back (and I begged him to send to me... Mark, have you released it yet?) and the results are not promising:
bbj@kuroshio:~$ mutual AO-51 CM98kx FK68gj bbj@kuroshio:~$ mutual SO-50 CM98kx FK68gj || 2009/02/23 21:31:00 | CM98kx +0.1 107.6 | FK68gj +0.6 295.9 || || 2009/02/23 21:31:15 | CM98kx +0.2 105.6 | FK68gj +0.7 297.9 || || 2009/02/23 21:31:30 | CM98kx +0.3 103.6 | FK68gj +0.9 300.0 || || 2009/02/23 21:31:45 | CM98kx +0.3 101.5 | FK68gj +1.0 302.0 || || 2009/02/23 21:32:00 | CM98kx +0.3 99.5 | FK68gj +1.0 304.1 || || 2009/02/23 21:32:15 | CM98kx +0.3 97.5 | FK68gj +1.1 306.2 || || 2009/02/23 21:32:30 | CM98kx +0.3 95.4 | FK68gj +1.1 308.3 || || 2009/02/23 21:32:45 | CM98kx +0.2 93.4 | FK68gj +1.1 310.4 || || 2009/02/23 21:33:00 | CM98kx +0.1 91.4 | FK68gj +1.0 312.5 || || 2009/02/23 21:33:15 | CM98kx +0.0 89.4 | FK68gj +0.9 314.5 ||
bbj@kuroshio:~$ mutual ARISS CM98kx FK68gj bbj@kuroshio:~$
How good is your setup? ;)
- -- Ben Jackson - N1WBV - New Bedford, MA bbj <at> innismir.net - http://www.innismir.net/