With my ARR 28 MHz preamp sitting here beside me and plenty of plans for antennas, I have a few more questions:
1) Can I really pick up AO-7 with my antique Allied Communications tube receiver if I put the preamp at the antenna?
2) How much EIRP do I need on the uplink? Can I use my IC-706 barefoot, or am I looking at a Mirage amp? I think the 706 puts out 50 watts on 2 meters. I'd probably be using a 3 element beam for uplink with something like 9? db gain. I think I saw something like a 90 watt EIRP would be sufficient for the uplink.
Thanks for everyones help so far!
73 DE KM3G Tyler
3) Do I really gain a few more db in gain if I suffer while I put the antenna up in the supercold weather here in PA, or is that just an urban myth? :-)