wisp kiss mixw via onlinekiss:-)
Software :- 1-Virtual Serial Ports Emulator from Eterlogic.com free software work on my pc more better than ComEmulDrv3!!. 2-WISP Software by Mr.Chris Jackson ZL2TPO/G7UPN 3-ONLINEKISS a free software from Mr. Mike Rupprecht DK3WN 4-The wounderful software - MixW by UT2UZ &UU9JDR
My setup :- Created 2 pairs of com on VSPE . COM1 & COM2 COM4 & COM5 WISP --->COM1 (TNC-2 selected on wisp) ONLINEKISS INPUT ---> COM2 ONLINEKISS OUTPUT ---> COM 5 MIXW EMULATION TNC--->COM4
Result:- Wisp keying the Mixw and gave out a brust of digital packet frams througth the soundcard.
Further test wll follow on receving ! I hope soon on bird !!
Thanks to my friends Mike DK3WN AND Mineo and many other Ham for their fine work software and information they provided and forwarded to other (Great friendship sprit) . Watch the KISS in a vedio in my blog http://st2nh-blogger.blogspot.com/ 73 Nader