Paul: I do not have anything specific, I suggest looking for flyers prepared for Field Day and Jamboree On The Air (JOTA), as those are both non-ham general public audiences. Possibly something from ARES (either ARRL or local DC & VA). Some of the VHF rovers put ARES magnetic signs on their vehicles to put inquisitive officials into a better mindset.
It's not just the local law enforcement types that look & wonder. I've gotten similar looks & weird questions from folks while operating HF bicycle portable in Northern VA.
73 Steve KS1G
From: Paul Stoetzer
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 09:55:38 -0400 Subject: [amsat-bb] Pamphlets for General Public Good morning,
I was out in a nearby park seeking out a relatively clear northeastern horizon for this morning's mid-Atlantic pass of FO-29 when I was approached by the friendly Metropolitan Police Department. While they accepted my explanation and went on their way, are there any available materials that explain amateur satellites to the general public? All I've found so far is materials explaining amateur satellites to other hams. I'd like to find something that I can print out and keep in my bag to respond to any questions, especially from law enforcement. I live a mile southwest of the U. S. Capitol, so law enforcement around here tends to be a bit suspicious of things that appear to be out of the norm.
Thanks and 73,
Paul Stoetzer, N8HM Washington, DC