Thanks to everyone that responded. For those that have been on the list for years this thread may be a dull rerun, but as a newbie, the information is useful.
From everyones responses, it appears that indeed there are currently two conventions:
1. Full Doppler CAT tuning 2. Manually tuning the higher frequency while keeping the lower fixed
I know that operators have been successfully using convention #2 for years so this is my lack of sat operating experience talking here, but just looking at the math it seems that it would be difficult for two stations with different velocity vectors to the satellite to communicate without at least one of them adjusting both TX and RX. I need to try this for myself I guess.
One thing I did notice is that when operating Full Doppler CAT tuning I was only able to successfully track other operators who were doing the same.
73, John W9EN DM13le [email protected]