Hi All,
During the 22nd of May till the 29th of May 2016 the Camb-Hams (GS3PYE/P) will be operating from the Isle of Arran on the west of the island near Balliekine IO75HO (EU-123), the activation will include HF, 6/4/2m along with satellites.
The location on the island favours the South/West/North as there's a hill to the east, but hopefully that will not limit us.
We'll be taking along an ICOM IC-910, Wimo X-Quads, Preamps and Yaesu G-5500 rotator all controlled by our favourite bit of software SatPC32 for backup I'll have my FT-817 and Arrow but this kit hasn't let us down yet for the last few trips.
The plans to operate on all satellites both FM/SSB/CW if you want a CW QSO you'll need to contact us as I'll need to find a suitable operator ;-)
I'll try to post regular updates on Twitter either using my own account @2e0sql or the groups account @g3pye and also posting updates on the website http://dx.camb-hams.com
Look forward to working you all in a couple of weeks time.