Thanks everyone.
The comments (primarily offline) to my first post on the existence of the "Orbital Classroom" just pointed to the perceived sad state of education within AMSAT. Now, we can whine and do nothing or maybe put our heads together and see what there is to do.
The first thing is to gauge the level of interest. I and others will NOT engage in this without some significant feedback from the members and those that are interested in amateur radio and satellites and education.
Here are a few questions and I would kindly request your thoughts on these.
1. Would you be interested in attending pre-conference courses and workshops as part of the annual meeting or at other venues?
2. Would you be willing to pay a registration fee that would cover course material, instructor cost etc.?
3. Would you be interested in receiving a certificate for ongoing education as it relates to amateur radio and satellites?
4. What topics would you like to see taught at such courses?
5. Would you be willing in helping to organize and facilitate courses (you don't have to teach for this one, just help the instructor and take care of registration, etc)?
6. Would you be willing to teach a course and if yes, on which topics?
That's a start and hopefully it sparks your interest as a participant, facilitator or instructor.
Please email me your responses offline (don't hit the reply all button) and I will compile the answers in a response to the board and this mailing list.
I have been asked to organize and coordinate these efforts. First of all, I will NOT assist, organize and/or coordinate these efforts unless I have equal partners in assisting and helping. Secondly, AMSAT has an official "Director of Education" who needs to be involved and work on this (with our help if necessary). This person serves at the discretion of the AMSAT president and I have no intention to do his work. Hope this helps to clarify positions and responsibilities!
For now, it is time for the members to voice their needs for education and define if this is relevant or not. Folks, here is your opportunity! Some of us are listening and working on this. Let us know if you want this or not by answering the questions above. As always, your opinion counts and even more your help is greatly appreciated.
Have a Merry Christmas, a wonderful holiday season and an even better 2008. My best wishes to you and your families.
73, Stefan VE4NSA