Hi Guys,
Well this happens until you modify your set up to prevent it. Luc is taking the best approach with the FT-847 (which is simple to do...and almost easy depending on your skill level with a solder iron and hand drill). I modified my FT-847 about 4-5 years ago and have no preamp "smokes" since. Other models of radios may or may not be easy to modify for separate Rx antenna connector. I have planned to put a short article on my website showing how to modify the FT-847 (google DL4MEA for a good webpage showing how).
Instead of pruchasing an expensive RF switched preamp, you could get a coax relay to place in front of your preamp so that it switches to bypass in transmit. You need a second relay to place after the preamp if still using a single coax feedline. Surplus relays can be found at hamfest for as little as $10.
It is pretty inexpensive to run a dedicated receive coax out of the preamp to your radio. You can use RG-58 since the preamp gain offsets any coax losses (assuming a reasonable run of no more than 150-feet). I use better coax on my eme receive line but then I am trying to squeeze out every 0.1 of a dB for moonbounce. The P144VGA or P432VGA preamps only cost $79.95. You can replace the Gasfet in them if you are skilled at surface-mount technique, or maybe find a local ham that is. The MGF-1302 GasFet costs about $5. ARR does repair but I do not know what they charge.
73 Ed - KL7UW
At 04:33 AM 4/18/2008, Luc Leblanc wrote:
On 17 Apr 2008 at 23:13, Mike Ryan wrote:
Hello all,
Zapped my ARR RX only preamp for the second time out of stupidity. Time for a switched model. Cant afford the $200+ amps from SSB and such. The Mirage seems attractive. Can anyone share their experiences with this model or suggest a differnt affordable preamp? I looked at the ARR switched models already. The high powerd mast mount is too much $$ and the low power one only handles 25 watts. I could easily smoke that one out of stupidity as well (my rig can do 50 watts).
I beat you with 3 now and one to go. I will make separate RX connector on my FT-847 (Just get parts in a recent Hamfest) as per the already available mods. No more preamp use until theses mods.
The last event a hand mike fell on a CW key...Its fun to see how things can turn bad so quickly! The next steps transistors change-over in this micro tiny container so many hours of pleasure to come...:)
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE
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