I have used a Comet CF-160 duplexer to split the vhf and uhf to seperate antennas. From the UHF side, I used a 3 element uhf beam with no amplifier and have had very good results with all the FM birds. In most cases I used a 1/4 wave mag mount on vhf for the uplink.
In a mobile situation, I dont know that it is that critical where the amplifier is mounted since the coax run will be less than 15 ft in most cases. I have used advanced receiver research amplifiers which are in a 2x2x.5 form factor. I think they have a switching amp model as well.
Ron KA4KYI AMSAT Mo Coordinator
Kent R. Frazier wrote:
Hi all,
I am really enjoying the satellite aspect of the hobby and have enjoyed the contacts I have made with my Icom IC-2720H with a 19" whip antenna from my vehicle. I have seen talk recently of using a preamp to improve the reception. From what I've read and understand, it appears that a "switching" preamp is needed for a setup using only one antenna for Tx and Rx such as mine. Is this correct?
It also appears that most of the preamps are mast mounted. Since this would not be an option for me can the preamp be put near the transceiver? Are there any issues that result of doing so?
Lastly, what preamp(s) would you recommend for an application such as mine?