For those of you who are attending the Symposium there is a new feature we are going to try this year called BOFS - Birds Of a Feather Sessions. BOFS are generally free-form meetings that are held after-hours and may be called by anyone wishing to start a discussion group. They have been common at software conferences I've gone to in the past and were very popular. An example of a BOF for the AMSAT Symposium might be to start a discussion about groundstation antennas.
I have set aside two rooms (one holding 12 people, another holding 20) beginning at 6pm on Friday evening.
The procedure is pretty straightforward:
1) Develop a title for your BOF - say "Homebrew Groundstation Antennas" 2) Estimate the amount of time you would like for your BOF - BOFS usually last 30 minutes or an hour 3) Go to the registration desk and tell someone there that you want to start a BOF. They will give you a flip-chart sized (2 foot by 3 foot) Post-It note and assign you a room and time. 4) Write your title, time and room on the large Post-It note and tack it on the wall outside of the Symposium meeting room.
And that's it!
--------------------------------- N1DID formerly W0EEC - CM87tm
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