I'll traveling for the rest of this week, covering a number of (at least) uncommon grid squares in NV, northern AZ & NM, and southern UT & CO. I've no specific plans other than to activate lots of grid squares (perhaps on grid square boundaries if timing permits). All are DM grid, possibilities include DM07-08,16-18,25-27,35-37,46-48,56-58, 66-67 and DM76-77.
I was disappointed not to have AO-51, but noted that SO-50 should be up at about the same times that AO-51 is. It's a little harder to work hand-held unless there are other people talking. So, come on folks, give me a call and make lots of noise if SO-50 is otherwise quiet, so everyone can find it easier. Of course, i'll also work AO-27 whenever i can. As before, SASE is not necessary, as i'll send cards to all that i log, but do, please, work me near home (CM88 and often CM87) if i don't already have your grid square.
I hope to hear from lots of you. 73's and good luck!
-- KD6PAG (Networking Old-Timer, Satellite QRPer)
[Note: If i'm in your address book, please replace 'qsl.net' with 'amsat.org'.]