29 Mar
29 Mar
3:45 p.m.
August is only getting closer ... (grin). AMSAT-NA hopes to launch FOX-1A on August 25, 2015.
Here are the frequencies to program into your handheld - it is the "reverse" of what we are used to with, say, SO-50: The downlink will be on 2M, and the uplink on 440. This is great for portable ops - we should achieve about a 6db INCREASE in downlink signal strength!
Two docs have the freqs for you to program into your HTs -
http://work-sat.com/Home.html --- the Tutorial has SO-50 and FOX-1A freqs for you.
http://work-sat.com/FUNDRAISING.html --- here's just the freq list, and AMSAT-NA's article on "How to Work" FOX-1A.
My demo radios are already programmed ... (grin)
Clint Bradford K6LCS