Because of life members like you, I can assure you I am not now and will not be in the future, a leader of AMSAT. I out of the game. I have not taken a call from an AMSAT leader in nearly two years. The only notifications I get are on the advisors list. So as a leader, I am next to useless since I have no role and am not actively seeking one. I want to do engineering should the need arise (but I am not holding my breath to tell you the truth). I have personally had all of the crap here I can tolerate as a volunteer leader. As for you, I would have long ago taken the pitiful excuse of a life membership donation you gave to AMSAT and returned it to you, with interest, and returned it to you.
Please list for us the positive contributions you have made to the organization since you gave it your dues ages ago.
Bob McGwier, N4HY Life Member AMSAT and ARRL
P.S. And by the way. I have done a few other minor things along the way in addition to giving these organizations less money than I spend on coffee in a year.
On 1/16/2010 8:35 AM, Rocky Jones wrote:
Bbo. so clever.
this is how the "leaders" of Amsat, you know the ones who somewhere in a discussion (and I see you reached this stage as well) start to tell everyone "none of this discussion is launching anything into space"... people blow fuses.
YOU personalized the discussion. Until your post, the discussion was about concepts...but "YOU" went into and made it a personal engagement.
it is along with the "nothing is helping us launch satellites" the last refugee of people trying to defend something that is essentially not defense able Have a great weekend...go out and do something...it will help that blood pressure.
Robert WB5MZO life member AMSAT ARRL