If you are planning on going to Dayton, please take some time to visit the ARRL area not far from the AMSAT booth. Seek out the highest ranking officials you can find and talk with them about the VUCC program and LOTW.
The fee schedule for VUCC applications, both paper and LOTW, released back in mid January has not changed to my knowledge. Very little has been said about this issue to date. The fees were excessive and if continued, would have a negative impact on the VUCC program.
You can talk about the high cost of an application but there is nothing like comparing it to the cost of a similar DXCC application. When you do that, it is apparent that something is not right. I prepared a one sheet comparison of three typical VUCC vs DXCC applications to give to ARRL officials at the Orlando Hamcation. Newington was not present at Orlando but the Florida Director was and got a copy. I have uploaded my comparison to my website. Please print some copies, put them in your hamfest bag and give them to those you talk with at the ARRL. The more League officials that see this, the better chance we have of getting these fees reduced and in line with DXCC application fees.
Download the comparison at: http://www.papays.com/vuccfees2011.pdf
There are many issues with the VUCC program other than fees. I made an application back in mid January, two days after the new few schedule appear on arrl.org. It was processed and my totals appeared on my LOTW page. Last week I received the endorsement stickers but have yet to receive the "VUCC Grid Report" which lists all of your confirmed girds on the left side of the pages and has space on the right side for you to list the new grids you are applying for credit. Without this sheet, you cannot file for another endorsement via an Awards Manager (card checker) or by sending them to the League. I know that they have been having problems with implementing VUCC in LOTW, but the lack of information about the status of the VUCC Program is troubling. The new website was supposed to help disseminate information faster but it is not working in the case. As ARRL members we should be kept informed of the VUCC issues, status and timelines. This is another great point to discuss with ARRL officials.
Hope to see many of you at the Hamvention.
73, John K8YSE