Dear VO-52 (HAMSAT) users,
Subsequent to the clearance by the 'Expert committee' the Transponder # 2 (The Dutch Transponder made by William Leijenaar PE1RAH) on board HAMSAT V0-52 would be switched 'ON' at 13:42 UT on 13.03.2012 during orbit # 37080 over India.
A 'Critical Comparative Signal Report' between the Indian and Dutch transponder would be of great help for further evaluations and necessary actions for the maintenance the transponder in good and healthy condition for better services and also, the inputs would be very valuable to the respective transponder designers.
We all hope, Williams PE1RAH would be very happy with our decision and behalf of every one here in India involved with project, wish Williams and his transponder, once again all the very best and good luck.
Thanks to AMSAT-India (Nitin VU3TYG) for the all the help and co-ordination provided.
Mani, VU2WMY Secretary & Station-In-Charge Upagrah Amateur Radio Club VU2URC ISRO Satellite Centre HAL Airport Road, Bangalore-560 017. Phone:(O)91-80-25082054/2598/2192 Mobile: 91-80-98803 41456 E-mail ID: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The official Announcement received at 08:19 UT from Mr. T. Parimalarangan, Operations Director VO-52, is herewith pasted.
Dear Sir,
1 HAMSAT Payload Transponder-2 (Dutch) will be switched on TODAY at 13:50 Hrs UT / 13 March 2012
2 RF Specification of Transponder-2:
Uplink frequency : 435.25 MHz Downlink frequency : 145.9 MHz Beacon : CW at 145.859330 MHz (145.86 MHz) Output level of Beacon Carrier: 18 dBm
3 Mr. Subramani VU2WMY, ISAC is requested to post the attachment in the website of HAM community, immediately. Also, the Real Time Feedback (on both the Indian visibility of this night) may please be conveyed through my mobile (0-9480 333 563). HAM users may be asked to send the performance report to my mail ID: [email protected]
4 Performance of Transponder-2 shall be posted by 2130 Hrs IST (13.3.2012)
With Best Regards,
ISTRAC/ISRO Ph: 080 - 2202 9011 (O) 080 - 2535 0132 (R) 0 - 9480333563 (M) 080 - 2202 9062 (F)
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