Here are the endorsements and new VUCC Satellite Awards issued by the ARRL for the period June 1, 2017 through July 1, 2017. Congratulations to all those who made the list this month!
KO4MA 1564 W5PFG 1053 N8RO 1001 K8TL 974 N8HM 961 AA5PK 876 KK5DO 780 K4FEG 777 N4UFO 663 K6FW 603 N9IP 502 K5ND 326 KL7CN/W6 249 W7JSD 150 KK4CF 100 (NEW VUCC) VA3NNA 100 (NEW VUCC)
This list was developed by comparing the ARRL .pdf listings for June 1st and July 1st, 2017. It's a visual comparison so omissions are possible. Apologies if your call was not mentioned. Thanks to all those who are roving to grids that are rarely on the birds. They are doing most of the work!
73, John K8YSE
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