wasn’t able to write down the callsign while holding two radios and an antenna.
When I started out, it took me only one or two passes to realize I needed a tripod. I know I'm not the only one to have cobbled together a frame that mounts on a tripod and holds the antenna, two radios, a timepiece, and operating aids. Seven years later, this system is still working great.
Call me old fashioned, but a pad and pencil are indispensable for my operations. I usually note several callsigns and grid squares before making any calls, and if someone not on my list calls me, I'm quick to write their call down. This method requires no extra wires and no batteries, while creating a record that's easy to reference both during and after the pass. It's a rare occasion that I want to listen to an SO-50 pass again after getting through it "live."
73, Scott N1AIA