23 Jul
23 Jul
1:56 p.m.
I founded Federated Wireless with Dr. Joseph Mitola (father of SDR and Cognitive Radio), Dr. Charles Clancy (VP for Intelligence MITRE), and Dr. Jeffrey Reed of Virginia Tech. The patents I am assigned and the ideas I helped with enable Spectrum Sharing now approved by the FCC. Verizon is our largest customer. I am a candidate for the AMSAT board of directors. If you find someone more qualified, vote for them.
Bob McGwier
Founder, Federated Wireless, Inc
Founder and Technical Advisor, HawkEye 360, Inc
Adjunct Professor Virginia Tech
Former Chief Scientist: The Ted and Karyn Hume Center for National
Security and Technology
Senior Member IEEE, Facebook: N4HYBob, ARS: N4HY