18 Dec
18 Dec
5:07 a.m.
Quoting Francis Geraci who wrote on Sun 2017-12-17 at 16:12:
minutes !! My "keps" are current, clock is "synched". As you all know, 3 minutes is a "lifetime" in satellite tracking. Amsat Web and Amsat Droid were "synched", probably using the same data set. WHO IS RIGHT ?
The last knowledge I saw shared is that AO-91 is Norad object #43017 which I got from http://www.amsat.org/pipermail/amsat-bb/2017-November/065630.html
Before that prior knowledge was that it was object #43016, so things changed.
I have had my own issues in gpredict of newly launched objects changing not being updated, so this is not a complete surprise to me on a new object.
Koos PE4KH
Koos van den Hout PGP keyid 0x5BA9368BE6F334E4 via keyservers
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